Beech Bonsai Tree

Beech Bonsai Tree

Beech bonsai trees are one most popular species of bonsai. beautiful year around, this is a great choice for anyone.

Defoliation every two years. Make sure to leave at least one leaf on the tip of each branch in order to draw the sap, otherwise the branch will die back.

Beech Bonsai Quick Reference

Scientific NamePinus Banksiana
Hardiness Zone 2-7
Native Land North America
Soil TypeNeutral / Low Acidity
(50% Sand)
WateringWater thoroughly when near dry
LightingFull Sun
FertilizerLow in fall. None in winter.
RepottingEvery 2-5 years
PestsAphids, Weevils

Beech Bonsai Tree Photo’s

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